2018 Commercial Horticulture Webinar Series Recordings

BFRDlogo1.jpgThe 2018 Commercial Horticulture Extension Webinars will begin in January and run through November. These webinars aim at providing quick updates to producers and gardeners on topics such as irrigation, pest management, chill hours, planting demos, turf grass and much more.

Upcoming Webinar: November 26, 2018.

To provide suggestion for new topic/s, please email bugdoctor@auburn.edu or call 251-331-8416. Producers are encouraged to follow-up with presenters or a commercial horticulture regional extension agent for most recent updates. These webinars are supported by a USDA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Grant (2015-2018).

Don't miss out on this great opportunity for critical information. Visit the webinar series page for more information and upcoming webinars.

2018 Webinar Recordings By Topic Area:


Diagnostic Lab Updates. Speaker: Kassie Conner, Extension Specialist. September 24, 2018.

Fire Blight Resistant Apple Rootstock Trial in Alabama. Speaker: Elina Coneva, Extension Specialist. January 16, 2018.

Update on Citrus Pathogens. Speaker: Kassie Conner, Extension Specialist. March 27, 2018

Identification, Epidemiology and Management of bacterial Leaf Spot on Tomato and Pepper. Speaker: Ed Sikora, Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology. May 21, 2018.


Dynamic Model for Chill Estimation In Fruit Crops. Speaker: Edgar Vinson, Extension Specialist, Commercial Horticulture. January 16, 2018.
Peach Grower Survey. Speaker: Gary Gray, Regional Extension Agent. March 26, 2018.
New Pumpkin Varieties for Alabama. Speaker: Joe Kemble, Extension Specialist. April 30, 2018.
Pecan Propagation. Speaker: Doug Chapman, Regional Extension Agent. May 21, 2018.
High Density Peach Orchard Systems Research Trial in Alabama. Speaker: Elina Coneva, Extension Specialist. June 25, 2018.
Status of Peach Varieties after Several Low Temperature Events. Speaker: Edgar Vinson, Extension Specialist. July 30, 2018.
Weed Management:
Weed Management practices in cucurbits. Speaker: Steve Li, Extension Specialist. September 24, 2018.
Weed control updates in Solanaceous Crops. Speaker: Steve Li, Extension Specialist. June 25, 2018.
Improving Herbicide Application Efficiency. Speaker: Jeremy Pickens, Extension Specialist. July 30, 2018.
Fall Maintenance Tips for Turfgrass. Speaker: Dave Han, Turfgrass Specialist. August 27, 2018.
Insect Pest Management:
Conventional and organic insecticide review for tomato and pepper production. Speaker: Ayanava Majumdar, Extension Specialist. March 26, 2018.
Conventional and Organic Insecticide Review for Cucurbit Production. Speaker: Ayavana Majumdar, Extension Specialist. April 30, 2018.
Vegetable Insect Pest Monitoring Project Update. Speaker: Ayanava Majumdar, Extension Specialist. June 25, 2018.
Update on the status of Yellowmargined Leaf Beetle in Cole Crops. Speaker: Ayanava Majumdar, Extension Specialist. August 27, 2018.
Plant Health:
Fertigation Update. Speaker: Chip East, Regional Extension Agent. March 26, 2018.
Farm Management:
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act- How does this Affect farmers. Speaker: Kevin Burkett, Regional Extension Agent. April 30, 2018.
Access to Land and Capitol For Beginning Farmers. Speaker: Jessica Kelton, Regional Extension Agent. July 30, 2018.
Beginning Farmer Resource Update. Speaker: Ayanava Majumdar, Extension Specialist. November 26, 2018.
Planting Demonstration. Speaker: James Miles, Regional Extension Agent. October 29, 2018.
Contracting for Pollination Services. Speaker: Brittney Goodrich, Extension Specialist. October 29, 2018.
Fall Vegetable Crops. Speaker: Joe Kemble, Extension Specialist. September 24, 2018.

Green Industry Job Programs. Speaker: Bethany O'Rear, Regional Extension Agent. May 21, 2018.

Produce Safety Rules Updates. Speaker: Kristin Woods, Regional Extension Agent. August 27, 2018.

Irrigation Updates. Speaker: Anis Bouselmi and Neil Kelly, Regional Extension Agent. September 24, 2018.

Considerations in Aquaponics. Speaker: Daneil Wells, Auburn University. November 26, 2018. 

Commercial Horticulture Webinar Series

Commercial Horticulture Extension Team organizes webinars for providing quick updates to producers on various topics of interest. Webinars will be streamed live via Panopto using the link provided below (evaluation link will be provided later). Webinars will also be archived on this website for later viewing. Participants can send questions during the presentation to Ann Chambliss, Outreach Administrator/IPM Program Assistant, thameae@auburn.edu. Questions may be answered by speakers immediately after the presentation (time permitting) or responses will be posted on this website.

Webinar coordinator: Dr. Ayanava Majumdar (Dr. A)

Q&A session coordinator: Ann Chambliss

2016 Webinars (9:00 to 9:30 a.m.)

February 29

Disease identification and management in high tunnel systems (Ed Sikora, Plant Pathologist)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
March 28

Greenhouse vegetable production updates (Jeremy Pickens)

Conventional vegetable insecticide updates (Ayanava Majumdar)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
April 25

Leaf tissue analysis (Joe Kemble)

Fire ant management in fruits and vegetables (Chip East)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
May 23

Spotted wing drosophila update (Elina Coneva)

Quarantine updates for citrus and nursery (Christel Harden)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
June 27

Fruit tree grafting techniques (Doug Chapman)

Plant diagnostic lab updates (Kassie Conner)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
July 25

Weed control in vegetables (Joyce Ducar)

Insect pest monitoring report (Ayanava Majumdar)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
August 29 Sod production/sports turf updates (Dave Han) Webinar link On-line evaluation
September 26

Irrigation updates (James Miles)

Pesticide safety (Sonja Thomas)

Webinar link On-line evaluation
October 31 Ornamental nursery and greenhouse updates (Jeremy Pickens) Webinar link On-line evaluation
November 28 Satsuma updates (Gary Gray and Neil Kelly) Webinar link On-line evaluation